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  • Napa Valley Marketplace Magazine

Hometown Halloween Trick or Treating

Downtown Napa  ~  SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26  ~  11am to 1pm

October ends on a high note – it’s time for Hometown Halloween Trick or Treating in Downtown Napa. Sponsored by the Bank of Marin, this is the day for parents to dress their kids (and themselves, if they wish.) in their Halloween finest, and come downtown to Trick or Treat. Between 11 am and 1 pm on Saturday, October 26, the sidewalks will be packed with children looking for a sweet handout. Close to 100 businesses will be displaying black and orange balloons at their doors, an invitation for kids to visit. The odds are really good that they will get a treat, not a trick. Even if you don’t have children, get yourself a coffee or cool drink, find a good place to sit, and watch the fun.

Cheryl Payan has been with the Bank of Marin since 2006, and has also worked on Hometown Halloween since the event started. The title “Market Manager” appears on her business cards, but when Halloween rolls around, Payan is all about making sure the event is a success for the children attending. “The bank staff loves Hometown Halloween, and we spend months making sure it will be as much fun for the children attending as possible,” she said. 

Thanks to the Bank of Marin staff, popular movie characters have made appearances over the years. This year, rumor has it that the Pink Ladies of the movie “Grease” will be at Dwight Murray Plaza for photos. A backdrop will set the stage to make those pictures really pop. And of course, Bank staff will be passing out treats as well. What a perfect Halloween! 

 “People are so creative with their costumes, and the kids are just delightful. Some of the youngsters who trick or treated the initial years now have children of their own. It is a community, family fun, Fall afternoon,” said Anette Madsen, co-owner of Anette’s Chocolates, who has participated from the beginning.

When the event began, it was intended to provide children with a safe place to trick or treat. “The Downtown Napa Association (DNA) thought it would be a great idea to offer downtown as that place, and the event was born,” said Bill LaLiberte, the Executive Director of the DNA. “And, it’s free,” he added with a laugh.

None of this would be possible without the local businesses, who buy candy by the ton just for this. We count on support from our sponsors, especially the Bank of Marin, whose staff spends countless hours making sure this event is one that kids will remember all year. And thank you to the Napa Valley Marketplace Magazine, who has supported this and all local Downtown Napa events from the beginning. And a big shout out to the residents of Napa who dress up in costume and join in the fun to make this a fun, frightening and ghoulish day.  

Craig Smith retired from Downtown Napa, but is still a big fan of all things downtown. or 707-257-0322.



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