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Halloween – Trick or Treating

Napa Valley Marketplace Magazine

Sat., Oct. 26th | 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. | Downtown Napa

If you wonder if Napa still puts locals first, all you need to do is look at the yearly community events calendar, and you’ll see that locals are front and center. Nothing exemplifies this better than Hometown Halloween, when Napans are invited to dress their kids (and themselves, if they wish) in their Halloween costumes, and come downtown to Trick or Treat. Between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 26, the sidewalks are packed with children looking for a sweet handout. Stores that display black and orange balloons are inviting those kids to come in, where the odds are really good that they will get a treat; not a trick. This will be the sixteenth year of the event. Even if you don’t have children, get yourself a coffee or cool drink, find a good place to sit, and watch the fun.

When the event began, it was intended to provide children with a safe place to trick or treat. “There’s always been at least a little concern about the safety of children who were trick or treating. The Downtown Napa Association (DNA) thought it would be a great idea to offer a safe place to go, and the event was born. It’s been big since the beginning,” said Bill LaLiberte, president of the DNA. “And, it’s free,” he added with a laugh.

Diane Bishofberger, Bank of Marin Market Manager for the Napa area, sat on the DNA board that considered adding the event. She is a diehard Disney fan and volunteered to lead the charge, and make sure that the day was one that children would love (and that Mickey would be proud of!)

Thanks to the Bank of Marin staff, characters from Disney and other movies that conjour up the Halloween spirit have shown up over the years downtown for photos. Sleeping Beauty (you may know her as Princess Aurora or Briar Rose), Prince Charming, Merryweather, Flora, and Fauna are likely to be out between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Other characters will be there to join in the fun. Both backdrops that can be used to stage photos. What a perfect Halloween!

“People are so creative with their costumes, and the kids are just delightful. Some of the youngsters who trick or treated the initial years, now have children of their own. It is a community, family fun, Fall afternoon,” said Anette Madsen, co-owner of Anette’s Chocolates, who has participated from the beginning.

None of this would be possible without the local businesses, support from our sponsors, particularly the Napa Valley Marketplace, who has supported this and all local downtown events from the beginning. And a big shout out to the residents of Napa who dress up in costume and join in the fun to make this fun, frightening and ghoulish day. Happy Halloween to you all!

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