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Arbor Day/Fuller Park Community Celebration

Napa Valley Marketplace Magazine

Saturday, October 21 beginning at 9 am.

The City of Napa is an official “Tree City USA,” recognized by the National Arbor Day Foundation. Napa maintains this honor through tree preservation, care and reforestation programs such as the Annual Arbor Day tree planting.

The public is invited to the 28th Annual Arbor Day Celebration with the planting of trees in Fuller Park. UC Master Gardeners of Napa County are helping to organize the event and will conduct a Free Guided Tree Walk.

Forty new plaques will identify different types of trees in Fuller Park, and more information may be accessed via a QR code on each plaque which links to a website and may be viewed on a smart phone. The website includes an audio file about each tree listed under its common name and Latin name.

New Playground Equipment Installation by Volunteers/ Kiwanis Club of Napa

The event will also feature the installation of new playground equipment for 2-5 year old children. The equipment is provided by the City of Napa Parks and Recreation Department and Kiwanis Club of Napa.


For many years, Jim Roberts has been instrumental in building over 67 playgrounds throughout Napa County. He’s 90 years old and still “running the show,” reports Dave Perazzo with Napa Parks and Recreation Services Department.


John Coates, Director Napa Parks and Recreation Services Department,

Dave Perazzo, Parks Manager, Napa Parks and Recreation Services Department,

Napa City Staff, Kiwanis Club of Napa Volunteers, Napa Tree Advisory Commission

For more information about Arbor Day in Napa and the Protected Native Tree Program, visit

Be Like a Tree

Stay grounded

Connect with your roots

Turn over a new leaf

Bend before you break

Enjoy your unique natural beauty

Keep growing!


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